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    The Column is the most used tower in restaurants, bars, coffee houses and homes.
    Highly adaptable to any environment. Our taps range from 1 tap to multiple and are carefully crafted with a gravity cast molding to ensure proper form and quality with every tower. Created with brass material and utilizes a 304 Food Grade Stainless Steel Tube for circulation to ensure you' re achieving a perfect beverage each time without tainting the flavor,

    - Mounting Template:2"
    - Screw Template:1/4"
    - Screw Pitch Diameter:3 27/32"
    Dispense SystemAir Cooled
    Faucets2 ( Tap Handles not included )
    Body Material304 S.S
    FinishPolished Stainless Steel
    Beer Hose (Product)(7/16")O.Dx(3/16")I.D hose
    Column Diameter3" 
    Faucet Height11-3/8"

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