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    The instrumental components to any draft beer system are the shank and faucet. The shank is the transition point between the beer line and faucet. Shanks come in a variety of lengths and is an excellent conductor of cold between where the beer is stored and the faucet. Thought most shanks are pretty basic, their design can vary depending on the type of draft beer tower you plan on using. 

    The Talos Shanks are created from high grade 304 Stainless Steel and can be installed on any type of flat surface such as a fridge door, metal or wood panel. Drill a 7/8" hole and tighten the shank on the back end. Attach your faucet and beer line for a complete connection.



    Material: 304 Stainless Steel
    Use: Connects Beer Faucet and Beer Line
    Coil Length: 10"
    Thread: 7/8-14 UNF Diameter
    Fits Hose: 1/4"

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