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    2 Way Beer Line Wall Bracket

    Wall bracket beer line fitting to dispense from 2 faucets using a single keg. Connect your beer line from the keg to this Stainless steel wall mount style fitting  and you get to tap beer from both the outlets.

    Test and find the optimum dispensing pressure to get a fresh crisp beer through all outlets. The connectors have 5/8″ BSP threads and 3/8″ bore.

    Made of Stainless steel 304.

    Great for home parties to dispense through two faucets from one keg.

    Has 5/8″ BSP and 3/8″ Bore on all outlets.

    Wall mount and make simple hose connections from keg to inlet and outlets to faucets.

    SpecificationsWALL BRACKETS
    DescriptionStainless Three-way

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